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Master William C. Roy

Master William C. Roy began his training under Grandmaster Alan Lee (Jun Pai Li) and Grandmaster T'sen Cho in Maryland at the age of 5. He received his black belt under these two prestigious Grand Masters at the age of 14. After serving in the United States Marine Corps in Viet Nam receiving the Navy Cross, Master Roy came home and joined the M.A.R.S rating system where he became a 3 time undefeated world champion with a record of 58-0 w/ 48 kos. 

Master Roy is now retired from fulltime teaching and oversees the rest of the branch. He travels the world periodically  to visit the schools of his branch and train with his black belts and his black belt's students.

Master Roy is also available for forms, fighting, or weapons clinics. For information or to book Master Roy for a clinic, contact the Regional Administrative Director, Sifu Matthew J. Nielsen-469-373-2862

Sifu Angelina L. Roy

Sifu Angel Roy  is a 4th degree black belt under Master William C. Roy at the Las Vegas Chinese Boxing Center. Sifu Angel is the heir to the Roy Branch of the Lee Hombu of Tiek Soo Chang Ch'uan fa

Sifu Benjamin D. Beem

Sifu Benjamin D. Beem is a 3rd Degree Black belt in Tiek Soo Chang Ch'uan Fa and began his training almost 30 years ago alongside Sifu Angel Roy and Sifu Robert Ruddick under Master William C. Roy at the Las Vegas Chinese Boxing Center. He is currently the heir apparent to the Roy Branch of the Lee Hombu of Tiek Soo Chang Ch'uan Fa and head instructor of the Moreno Valley Chinese Boxing Center. 

Sifu Rob Ruddick

Sifu Robert Ruddick, 3rd Degree Black Belt has began his training in Tiek Soo Chang Ch'uan Fa nearly 30 years ago under Master William Roy at the Las Vegas Chinese Boxing Center. 

Sifu Matthew J. Nieslen

Sifu Matthew J. Nielsen is a 1st degree black belt under Master William C. Roy has 26 years of martial arts experience and 14 years teaching experience. He began his training in Tiek Soo Chang under Sifu Colin Hubbard at the Las Vegas Chinese Boxing Center in 2001.

Sifu Matthew is the head instructor of the Dallas Chinese Boxing Center and is the Regional Administrative Director of the Roy Branch of the American Tiek Soo Chang Association and the World Representative of the Roy Branch of the Lee Hombu of Dong Soo Chang Ch'uan Fa

Sifu (JG) Chris Jacobs

Sifu (JG) Chris Jacobs began his training at the Moreno Valley Chinese Boxing Center in 2006. He currently resides in Amsterdam where he moved with his wife after running a hostel in Northern China.

SIfu Ramon Santos

Sifu Santos is semi-retired and a published author. He is one of Master Roy's oldest students.

Only those listed on this site are currently certified to teach Tiek Soo Chang Ch'uan Fa and are recognized by the American Tiek Soo Chang Association and the World Dong Soo Chang Federation under the Roy Branch of the Lee Hombu. All students of any black belts claiming to be of the Roy Branch not listed here that became students, continued training, or ranked post-2012 are not recognized or certified by either organization and ranking is not valid. If you fall under this category and want to be recognized, you need to contact the Regional Administrative Director, Sifu Matthew J. Nielsen of the Dallas Chinese Boxing Center for information and requirements-940-493-0293

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